
I'm Deepa.

Test Engineer

cloud mountain
Deepa Subramanian


I am Software test professional who aspires to become a full stack developer. I like to draw and paint. My favorite medium is chalk pastel. I ❤️ coffee !!!.

My Skills

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This is a five part course on front end web development. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and Boostrap. Capstone course was completed using a bootstrap theme. This was my first web design course. I was just getting my feet wet here.

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I took the complete 2020 web development bootcamp from Udemy from Angela Yu. This is an intense course has 469 lectures which focuses on full stack development. I like this course as it gave me more confidence to be able to code than the first one.

Get In Touch

If you are an aspiring developer, let's connect.

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